Friday, July 31, 2009

Welcome to the August Weekend Shopping Extravaganza

Hello all! Now that summer is really bearing down on us how about spending this coming weekend doing some cool shopping? Just kick off your shoes, crank up the AC and visit the many great Etsy shops owned by members of the Etsy Supply Street Team - ESST. With a cool beverage in one hand and your mouse in the other you can browse away to your heart's content in cool comfort. If you happen to be in the other hemisphere just reverse the temps substituting heat for AC and add some fuzzy slippers and a warm beverage. It will be great regardless of the weather!

Every shop will have different sales and or specials. My shop, beadbrats, is offering free worldwide shipping for all orders $21.00 and up. Please read the notice in my shop announcement for complete details.

On Saturday August 1st & Sunday August 2nd be sure to search "team esst" (without quotes) for the best deals on the finest supplies (vintage ones in my shop) on Etsy! Here is a link to the promo thread to up to date postings and individual shop specials: http://